record cold, global warming is good and compost piles also
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are down to minus 20 ° C tonight announced in Saxony, after 30cm of snow in last night. In Poland, or are they just -30 ° C.
is repeatedly rumored that the Russians a millennium winter forecast.
Supposedly the Gulf Stream have become weaker. Rubbish, we read in the current FOCUS, the Gulf Stream is "intact" and has increased since 1993. Cover story in the way, is FOCUS. "Prima Klima rethinking. Global warming is good for us," After the search of the weekly journal soon to be North African deserts fertile land and agricultural income is increasing worldwide. Reason is the carbon dioxide fertilization effect. Such "fertilization effect" is also known from the compost pile, where about pumpkins with flat-lying broad Leaves from the ground-profit carbon dioxide, which is the decomposition of plants there more concentrated than in the air.
But perhaps there will also all very different. At -20 ° C on 2 December, we go here for the first time the global Erkühlung through the bone ;-)
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