Saturday, December 11, 2010

Preperation H Reduce Waist Size

log cabin log cabin in Saxony, Dresden Swedish house with sliding windows

image picture series
still something about prefabricated houses. I have so many kinds of things in somewhat antiquated views and ask me from time to time, whether totally wrong. For example, the subject of Winter Garden. At least would be an alternative to the winter garden, the classic heated patio, which also has its advantages. There is not not built with so much glass, but it can of the area up to a height of 1m for Shelves or cabinets are used.

The peculiarity is that in the patio set near the window comfortable seats that can be open at the window almost like sitting on a terrace. This only works if you have windows that could be pushed example, easily up into the wall. With casement windows, the effect would be gone. Whenever I had time in the construction sector demand for such sliding windows, I got evasive answers: that's impossible ... because ... etc. In most cases, is the note: does not work, because the windows do not the German standards for insulation equivalent.

Anyway. Now I have found a Saxon company for which seems to be no problem and also offers very interesting block of houses [in Sweden]. Such log cabins have many advantages. Although they are not real-fabricated houses (in the sense that as wall panels, prefabricated be] the individual precast piles are built up probably just as fast as a prefabricated building and it is as much to bring in own performance, if only with preliminary work to the carpenters . And then you have almost a prefabricated house that can be mounted in the most inaccessible building sites.

Another plus for the blockhouses : they absorb very much noise and they have a really nice acoustics. That is, if the whole family is there for Christmas and all blaring around on a pile of ... then it is not as annoying as within stone walls [here you can help with acoustic wallpaper] or in rooms with large glass windows .... where we were again arrived at the theme sliding window ;-)

Once the picture above: the idea, according to a log cabin is the perfect small town house, just because it absorbs the outside noise. And so new, the idea is not. In the 1920s, was in town a lot of building with wood. You must therefore look only once in the exclusive residential areas of cities.

Link: build
cabin? prefabricated house with a shed roof?


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